Quick Search for Bootstrap

Simple script to search strings within collection of elements. Useful for prototyping, when you don't have backend funcionality implemented, or for production, when you require ultra simple searching solution.

Quick Search basics

You can use Quick Search purely through the markup API without writing a single line of JavaScript (just like Bootstrap does it). Add data-input="quick-search" attribute to a text input element, which initiates Quick Search via data API.

Then you must specify a target collection. Use data-search-target attribute and make sure it is pointing to a collection of elements, f.e. table rows, list items etc.

<input data-input="quick-search" data-search-target="#searchable-table tbody > tr" name="quick-search">

Searchable Table

The more data you want to show, the more you need some way of filtering. This plugin features:

Name Occupation Nationality Age
Martin Freeman Actor United Kingdom 32
Dave Lister Technician United Kingdom 26
Martin Staněk Webdesigner Czech Republic 29
Nikola Tesla Genius Austrian Empire 87
James Bond Ornithologist American 89
Richard Feynman Theoretical physics American 69
<div class="form-group">
<input data-input="quick-search" data-search-target="#searchable-table tbody > tr" name="quick-search">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle form-control-feedback form-action-clear" aria-hidden="true"></span>

<table id="searchable-table">


Dropdown menus are not suitable for many list items. Easiest way to improve user experience, is to add simple filtering:

<input data-input="quick-search" data-search-target="#list-of-states > li" name="quick-search">

Quick Search Overview

This table gives you a quick overview of elements and variables.

Name Class Usage
Clear Icon .form-action-clear

Extension of Bootstrap's feedback icons. Clears the text input field.

  • @feedback-action-color: @gray-light;
    Color of the clear icon
  • @feedback-action-hover-color: @text-color;
    Hover color of the clear icon.